July/August Garden Update

We’ve had some hot days out here over the last month.  The garden is looking a little wilted in the photo above, but hanging in there.  Thank goodness for cool evenings!
Garlic came out in late July and is currently drying.  Looking forward to using it in my tomato sauce this year and wishing I would have planted more…Carrots are ready too!
  Random little volunteer, succulent-like plant in my vegetable garden.Wildflowers and zinnias are blooming.
Tomato plants are loaded, just patiently waiting for them to ripen…they are so late this year.  Dreaming of a bigger, south-facing garden…maybe next year if I play my cards right.
  Love weekend, wine nights while piddling in the garden.And here’s a sneak peek of a quilt I made! That’s it for now.  Have a good weekend.


Weekend Stress Relief

The last few weeks have been REALLY busy.  Took a decompression day on Saturday to spend some time alone doing a few of my favorite things…

Drove out to Sharon, CT for a hike at Housatonic Meadow State Park.  A short day hike (3.5 mi loop) with a few really great views of the Housatonic River Valley!  Yet again, I love hiking in Northwest CT.  

 Stopped for a picnic lunch along the Housatonic River and watched the fly fisherman while I sipped my post-hike wine and knitted for a bit 🙂  Forgot to take pictures.

Then headed home for the REAL stress relief – baking!  Veggies are finally rolling in from the garden, farmer’s markets, and friends.

Made carrot zucchini muffins with my homegrown carrots and some beautiful zucchini from a friend’s garden (used this recipe, but substituted local honey for the sugar and added a few tbsp of wheat germ).  Then dairy-free, whole wheat cheddar-jalapeño bagels with peppers from my garden (used this recipe but with whole wheat flour and added jalapeños and almond cheddar-style cheese).

 Also did a test run of pickled jalapeños (recipe from Canning for a New Generation), except I forgot to add the garlic – remembered it right after they went into the canner, oops!  Kind of upset about that, it was even homegrown.  Next time…now also know that when it says pack – that means shove ’em in there until you can’t squeeze anymore in, because those things sure did settle after processing!

 Loving this little canner I picked up at a garage sale a few weeks ago for $2!  Perfect for canning one or two jars without wasting water, electricity and waiting for the large canner to heat up.

And to round it all out – made one of my favorite easy dinners!  Butternut squash and kale over quinoa.  Made from my LAST butternut squash from the fall, and kale, onions, and garlic from my garden. 
Stay tuned for July Garden Update coming soon (only a few days late)!
