Spring Garden Tour

First Week of April: IMG_0737

First Week of May:IMG_0884

Two Weeks Later: 

Putting in a few more rock paths this year.  All of these rocks are from the yard, crazy!  Looking good, and making a little more progress each week.

Planted two more Earthboxes this year, now up to 6 (4 tomato and 2 pepper). Also added cherry tomatoes in the red pot, and onions and shallots all across the front.  First year giving these a whirl, will see how it goes.Still need to find a home for these guys.  May have went a little overboard with starting seeds this year, and ended up with a much better yield than anticipated.  I never have the heart to throw tomato seedlings away when thinning. And a few other spring veggies nestled in containers amongst the perennials:

A few shots around the patio.  Still a work in progress.  Had to move the grill to the other side this year (per town fire code) which I am not happy about, totally messing with my patio feng shui! 


And a sneak peak of a little sewing project that’s in the works 😉

 Hope you have a wonderful Memorial Day Weekend!
