DIY Bird Feeder

So I’ve been told that I’m due for another blogpost 😉

With all this nice weather we’ve been having, I’ve been working in the garden and spending a lot of time outside the past two weekends…which means very little sewing.  Plus the craft room is still in the process of getting reorganized.  Pictures of that to follow soon!

However, here’s a little project from the weekend.  My freebie plastic Wildbirds Unlimited bird feeder blew off the hook on the patio a while back and broke.  So, time to make a new one!

DIY Bird Feeder 


Chicken Feeder ($4 at Farm & Home)

Mason Jar (old one that I already had)

Pot Lid with a Hook (50 cents at Goodwill)

Glue (I used Gorilla Glue that Dad left in my toolbox, see warning below)

Total cost ~ $5


  1. Glue the pot lid to the bottom of the jar.  If you’re using Gorilla Glue, go easy…it expands to 3x its size.  I had a bit of a mess to clean up, but nothing a little acetone and a scrapper couldn’t fix! 
  2. Fill jar with birdseed.
  3. Screw on chicken feeder and hang outside!


Spring is finally here and my garlic is already growing like crazy!

Hope you have a great week!


48 hours in Sunny San Diego

Flew out to San Diego last weekend for a last-minute work trip.  Was only out there for two days, but had time in the mornings to explore a bit.

These last few weeks haven’t been the greatest, but the sunshine and fresh air was good for my soul.  Just what I needed!  Love love loved it and can’t wait to go back!

Saturday Afternoon:
Eating a late lunch outside at Don Chido in the Gaslamp Quarter 

Evening beer and doing some work near the rooftop pool at the hotel.  (Yoga by the pool the next morning was even better 🙂

Sunday Morning:
Foggy morning walk along Pacific Beach.  The trolley/bus ride out there was a little sketchy…won’t be doing that again.

Sunday afternoon/evening:
Spent most of the afternoon at a conference.  Had Greek tacos at Meze for lunch – excellent! 

Quick stroll through World Market on my lunch break.  Connecticut needs one of these!

Gorgeous view from the conference center

Had dinner with our students at Saja.  Can’t believe some of them will be graduating in a month, so proud of them! 

Monday Morning:
Borrowed a bike from the hotel and road along the bay for a few hours before having to head back to the airport.  Had a perfect sunny morning for it.  Can’t wait to go back!  I’m already starting my list of places to go next time 🙂

  Can you tell that I love taking picture of boats?!

That’s all for now!  Have a good week 🙂
